Our Platform is a combination of conventional health care and the modern telemedicine:
The convenience of telemedicine with the documentation, and safe record keeping of physical facilities.
As the first one of its kind in the world, we achieved this 2013. 10 years of use, experience, improvements, and certifications makes it the most versatile platform in health care.
The telemedicine part is the first contact of a patient seeking care. In the mobile application the user answers carefully designed, and doctors structed questions about the health issue in the applications library of “categories” and then pushes “send”. The doctor online is notified “patient in the waiting room”. The doctor is now, with the help of the answers and the user’s personal information, able to proceed with treatment and medications and the doctors’ conclusions are mailed back to the user.
The user can do this from his home or office and are able to seek treatment any time, from anywhere. No time wasted to get to and from the doctor’s office or hospital, waiting lengthily for a first view of the case. Within minutes the online doctor reviews the case and handle it.
Experience shows that 80% of the cases will be handled, treated, and closed by the Ezytiba service online. 20% of the cases will be referred for, further investigations, to specialist or hospital. Additionally, these do not have to perform unnecessary tests and checks because the patient arrives with a clear and recommended treatment, further reducing the time and cost per case.
Ezytiba is built on top of the Swedish Alteri care platform (ACP) which revolutionized the Swedish health care system in 2013. ACP is approved by the Swedish ministry of health, CE certified by the European Union, a worldwide partner of IBM and partner of the British NHS.
It was introduced in 2013, and since then has passed rigorous testing and further improvement. It is worldwide the platform of its kind with most proof of experience. 65% of the adult Swedish population uses this type of health care as the first point
when seeking care. Especially during the pandemic, it helped to keep Sweden one of the safest places. People where already used to online medical care and stayed home for treatments. Prescriptions was delivered to the homes.
Ezytiba platform is versatile and modular. It can be designed and applied to fit any government, hospital, or insurance company needs. You can adjust the branding of the application to fit your corporate identity and logos.
You can adjust the process of the built in approval requests and reporting of all steps of a case to your needs. System-generated mails or calls to your internal systems give you the feedback of each step of the case and the flexibility to make sure each patient is treated properly and within the individual contract limitations.
Your staff approves the client at sign in, the treatments, the medication, the visits to specialists and hospitals, and the final bill for the service. Everything is recorded,
treatments and records are kept safe and confidential.
Ezytiba has its own “office” with doctors on duty to support you, if you wish so.
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